'Heroin is a highly addictive drug, and its use is a serious problem in America. I have researched Heroin to find out more about this drug. Whilst Jimmy Carroll then realises his mistakes, then fights his addiction to drugs. However after becoming a drug addict Vicki Brown then leads to a tragic ending. Jimmy Carroll (The Basketball Diaries) is a drug addict and like Vicki Brown gets thrown out of his house. Jason, my character, was an older brother of Vicki, as it says in the script however I had played him younger then Vicki.read more. However this end scene Mandy got what she came for. I believe that Jason is quite immature watching playschool and pretending to grow into a big tree. My character (Jason) wears corded trouser and an old knitted woollen jumper to show that he bought them from Oxfam, since what he wears is mentioned in the script.
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This implies that Mandy is quite violent and doesn't know how to control her emotions very well. Mandy can easily loose her temper as we showed in the play when Vicki hits the drugs all over the floor. So obviously Mandy would be more confident about it. Mandy had been involved with drugs longer than Vicki. Vicki was a young stubborn teenager who had a lot of confusing things going on in her life, although she finally decided to make a decision and start taking drugs to solve her problems. We then witness the boy by the name of Jimmy Carroll change from an innocent being to a horrifying beast as he tells this religious woman to "Shut up!". In the block opposite him we see a strong religious woman constantly shouting out what seems to be a prayer. Instantly you see that he has got a type of book in his hand, which later on we see that it is his diary which he occasionally writes in. The beginning of the film 'The Basketball diaries' starts with an ordinarily boy waking up in bed on a normal day. I chose this particular film to compare with my act because they have several similarities but also a number amount of differences. The other is a 1995 hit called 'The Basketball Diaries'. In this essay I will be comparing two dramatic acts. Drama Essay- comparison of 'Heroin Lies' with 'The Basketball Diaries' Heroin is a deadly drug, which kills approximately one million people every year.